Bakery Review
Bekery review
George Keushguerian Featured in Bake Magazine
TwinPeaks Online owner George Keushguerian shared some thoughts in Bake Magazine’s January 2019 issue about new technologies in the baking industry. Read below:
How to Compete Online
By John Unrein
Looking ahead, digital transformation requires a new set of eyes for how bakers analyze everything from sales forecasting to production scheduling. “Bakers who do not innovate the way they conduct business are probably out of business already or will be pushed aside soon,” says George Keushguerian, owner of TwinPeaks Online. “Here are the three functionalities of any type of a bakery where technological innovations should be introduced and maintained: production of goods, the sale of products, and the administration of the business.”
There are three types of point-of-sale (POS) operating systems: analog registers, PC-based registers, and tablet-based systems like […]
Companion Baking Featured in Bake Magazine
TwinPeaks is delighted to announce that Companion Baking Company, one of our valued clients, was recently featured in Bake Magazine’s December 2018 issue! Read below:
Sandwich breads are on the rise
by John Unrein (Bake Magazine)
Companion owner and founder Josh Allen enjoys an inside view of America’s bread business, overseeing operations at one of the leading intermediate wholesale bakeries in the United States. So what trends have staying power, in his view?
“At restaurants, we are seeing less bread baskets and more paid bread service — beautiful loaves of bread served with three or four spreads,” Allen says at his St. Louis bakery. “There is definitely more movement on the sandwich side of things. Whole grain sandwich breads are doing well. More […]
How to use hashtags with your social media campaign
How #omnomnom and #foodporn can help you
Our last post had general pointers for social media and mentioned why Instagram is one of the best social media platforms for bakeries. If you haven’t had a chance to read it, now is a good time, as we are continuing with pointers on helping you achieve good results without spending advertising dollars. You can read it here.
Every picture you post on social media needs hashtags. These are searchable terms associated with your post. Users can search for a specific hashtag and see every post associated with it, including yours. You can use hashtags such as your city name, […]
Should your bakery maintain social media accounts?
“Will social media work for my bakery?”
Yes, social media will work for you! In today’s world, so much time is spent on cell phones that businesses need to maintain a presence on social media. Although every platform should be utilized and taken advantage of, Instagram will yield great results without paid advertising. Instagram can be used to showcase individual products as well as allow you to post videos of the baking process. It’s a great platform to share pictures of your freshly baked breads and sumptuously rich pastries. Foodies love Instagram. We’ve compiled some tips on how to use Instagram to promote your business. Place one person in charge of social media. This will help create a consistency with posts across […]
Ranking Metrics
How well are you doing compared to your competitors?
Many business owners such as yourself itch to have that question answered. To do so, however, you will need to have access to sales and other relevant data of thousands of businesses. Fortunately we at Twin Peaks can study customer data maintained on our servers to create ranking metrics. When looking at such data statistically, much like Facebook and Google, we can calculate averages and find trends. With that kind of mathematical framework we could rank your business in relation to others. Unlike Facebook and Google, however, we do not sell that information to anyone. We give it back to you for your benefit.
Accordingly, we plan on creating 20 or so valuation metrics, or measuring sticks. These […]
Saas vs. In-House Server
Saas vs. In-House Server Comparison
How does the cost of cloud-based software (SaaS=Software as a Service) compare with software installed on a server in your office?
It is a difficult task to make a fair and accurate comparison. It is much like comparing the proverbial apples to oranges. But, in the space below an effort is being made to do so. Needless to say, your needs and requirements are probably different than those assumed in this article.
1. Real cost of ‘buying’ server-based software
Technically, software that you “purchased” and installed on your server in your office, was never really purchased. It was very likely licensed for your use. Furthermore, each year you were offered a maintenance agreement for service and support. At times, the maintenance agreement included upgrades […]
Is Software Functionality Enough?
What You Need to Know About Cloud Software Functionality vs. Structure
There are a lot of questions to ask when it comes to choosing cloud software for your business, besides the obvious ones like “Does this fit my needs?” or “Does this fit in my budget?” Of course, these questions are extremely important to consider as a first step. But there are other questions that should be asked as well, especially as you narrow your list of choices.
Cloud service providers use different tools to run their businesses. Knowing what tools they use is important. So, two other questions to consider are: “Does it matter what programming language a software is written in?” and “Does it matter what format the databases are kept in?”
The answer to both […]
8 Reasons Moving To the Cloud Saves You Time
8 Reasons Moving To the Cloud Saves You Time
Moving to the cloud is a great way to help you and your employees save valuable time by outsourcing IT problems to your provider. Once you switch to the cloud, the majority of technological burdens will disappear so you and your team can focus on your business goals rather than dealing with IT issues. Many cloud service providers, like TwinPeaks Online, can help you understand and overcome these issues.
Read the 8 reasons you will save time below:
- Backups. With cloud solutions, a cloud service provider (CSP) like TwinPeaks Online will make regular backups of your data on your behalf. Each backup recurs on a frequent schedule to make sure if anything happens there is no data loss. […]
Is A Cloud Solution Right For You?
Is A Cloud Solution Right For You?
Do you need to make an IT decision of whether or not to move to the cloud? Or thinking of just starting with the cloud? Many business decisions require you to be armed to the teeth with information. IT is another area where you’ll need to brush up. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft provide a wealth of pricing information: if you know how to read it. There are other cloud providers that offer models and comparison tools on their site.
Here, I’ll do my best to provide an overview of on-premises servers, cloud servers, and what might be the best solution for your business. You can email us ( or call us for more information.
If you are […]